ACE-FTS Solar Atlas
Complete Solar Spectrum
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In Separate Sections
Hase, Frank, Lloyd Wallace, Sean D. McLeod, Jeremy J. Harrison, Peter F. Bernath (2010),
ACE-FTS atlas of the infrared solar spectrum,
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, 521-528 (PDF)
Supplementary Material:
Assigned Linelist in .txt format
Unassigned Linelist in .csv format
Colin, Reginald, & Peter F. Bernath (2010),
Revised molecular constants and term values for the X2Π state of CH, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy,
263 (2010) 120-122 (PDF)
Supplementary Material:
Supplement Data (PDF)
Supplement Data (DOC)
Ram, R.S., & P.F. Bernath (2010), Revised molecular constants and term values for the X3Σ- and A3Π states of NH,
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 260 (2010) 115-119 (PDF)
Supplementary Material:
Supplement 1
Supplement 2
Bernath, Peter F., Reginald Colin (2009), Revised
molecular constants and term values for the X2Π and B2Σ+ states of OH, Journal of
Molecular Spectroscopy, 257, 20-23
Supplementary Material:
PDF Format or
MS Word Format